Director of Finance and Aquisition
• The Directorate of Finance and Acquisition (DFA) was formed in late 1986.
• Prior to its formation, the finance and procurement functions / sections were housed in two separate units.
• Prior to 1985, the Finance Section was under the responsibility of a military officer – Staff Officer 2
(SO2) Finance. From 1985 to late 1986, the section – then known as ‘Government Services Section’ – was reporting to the Civil Secretary.
• In January 1984, an independent Procurement Unit was formed and headed by the Officer-in-Command Procurement ranked Major. Prior to that, it was under the OC Logistics.
• With the formation of DFA, most of the posts held by military personnel were civilianized to allow them to be released to perform their core duties.
• Today, only a handful of military personnel works in the Directorate to provide support and to liaise with the End-users.
- To be an efficient partner in the supply chain management guided by the Principles of Acquisition and an effective manager in Financial Resource Management.
- To support the Royal Brunei Armed Forces, Gurkha Reserve Unit and all other units and directorates in the Ministry of Defence in Financial Management and Acquisition in line with existing Financial Regulations.


Overview of each section roles & responsibilities
Finance Section
• Submit the annual budget request from MINDEF, RBAF and Gurkha Reserve Unit to the Ministry of Finance.
• Manage and oversee the utilization of approved budget.
• Collect and manage the revenue received by MINDEF and RBAF.
• Process payments to local and oversea vendors in line with the Financial Regulations, as a first approver (Final approval is given by the Treasury Department, MOF).
Administration Section
• Responsible for matters relating to general administration and office administration such as staff performances, staff leaves, training and correspondence etc.
Acquisition Section
• Acquire items and services required by the end-users in line with the Financial Regulations.
• Perform quality assurance for incoming goods and arrange freight services for items due for repair overseas (QA & Freight)
Write-off Unit
• Process, obtain approval and carry out write-off.
Mini Tender Board
• Mini Tender Board Secretariat for the Ministry of Defence (for Project / Purchase / Service valued at B$250,000.00 and below).
A. For Payments to the Government of Brunei Darussalam;
The Directorate receives over-the-counter payment on behalf of the Government for the following services:
1. Tender Fee
2. Calibration services
3. Helicopter Rental
4. Dental services
5. Auction fees (Jualan Lelong)
6. Mindef Write-Off Committee Quotation (Jualan Sebutharga MWOC)
7. Canteen rental
8. Cookhouse rental
B. For Tender and Quotations;
Interested suppliers and vendors can view the list of Tenders and Quotations published by DFA via the “Tender & Quotation” link on the MINDEF’s website.
C. Location of counter and opening times are as follows:
Directorate of Finance and Acquisition,
1st Floor, Block C,
Ministry of Defence
Monday to Thursday 8.00 AM to 12.00 Noon
2.00 PM to 3.00 PM
Friday 8.00 AM to 11.00 AM
2.30 PM to 3.00 PM
Saturday and Sunday Closed
Other useful information
Claim of Tender Fee for cancelled Tenders
The following documents are required in order to claim for the tender fee:
1. Original receipt**
2. Letter of cancellation
3. Copy of 16, 17 Certificate
4. A photocopy of the company’s passbook / bank statement which clearly shows the company’s bank account number
** If original receipt is missing:
1. A police report will have to be made, and
2. Brought to court with the above police report (statutory declaration)
Director of Finance and Acquisition: +673 2386 379
Assistant Director of Finance: +673 2386 179
Assistant Director of Acquisition: +673 2386 190
Finance Section:
Fax: +673 2381 069 (Finance)
The Directorate of Finance and Acquisition receives the following over-the-counter payment on behalf of the Government of Brunei Darussalam:-
1. Quotation and tender
2. Calibration services
3. Helicopter rental
4. Dental services
5. Auction fees (Jualan Lelong)
6. MINDEF Write-Off Committee Quotation (Jualan Sebutharga MWOC)
7. BRIDEX deposit and rental
8. Canteen rental
9. Cookhouse rental
10. ESH No. 1 rental
The counter is located in Directorate of Finance and Acquisition on 1st Floor, Block C, Ministry of Defence.
The opening hours are as follows:-
Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 12.00 noon
2.00pm to 3.00pm
Friday 8.00am to 11.00am
2.30pm to 3.00pm
Saturday and Sunday Closed
Useful Information:
To claim BRIDEX deposit payment (B$500.00), the following documents are required:-
- The original receipt of BRIDEX deposit payment***
- A letter of approval from the BRIDEX management for claimant of deposit by the customer
- A photocopy of the Customer’s Identity Card (IC) (Note: Customer- on whose name rental is made)
- A photocopy of customer’s passbook/bank statement which clearly shows the customer’s bank account number
- A copy of vendor form
To claim tender fee for cancelled tenders, the following documents are required:-
- The original receipt***
- Letter of cancellation
- Copy of 16, 17 Certificate
- A photocopy of the company’s passbook/bank statement which clearly shows the company’s bank account number
*** If original receipt is missing,
- A police report will have to be made and
- Brought to court with the above police report (statutory declaration)